Those who walk in love and truth,
shall grow in honor and strength.


*Merry meet and blessed Be*

*Welcome to my mythilogical World*


My interests are as variable as consistency itself. The main things I'm in interst of are the people and creatures of mythological times, and the animals I take care of and raise. I specialize and show Fancy rats and Cavies (more formally known as "Guinea Pigs").
I also am in the process of training
my 2 1/2 year old Morgan/Welsh colt.

He has tons of personality, backed up with class!

*Raven Crests Lookout Scout*



For those who wish to know me, I am quite a down to earth, trendy type of person. I beleve in many things, one is living by the laws of Karma. Also known as the *Law of Three*. This basically states that what ever you do unto others will come back to you three fold...


One of my greatest desires in life is to visit the places of my ancestry. Thus being Sweden, Ireland, Scotland, Norway, and Greenland or Iceland.


candl_l.gifMy goals in life are like that of the stars in the sky candl_r.gif

I believe that each night when one goes outside, for every bright star they see,
that is a wish that shall come true. Just as the nursery rhym says...

"When you wish upon a star..."

If I were to have been born in the mid evil times, well, I would have been burnt at the stake, for having red hair. I have quite a strong personality and a hard head, thanks to my Swedish ancestors. To those who know little or anything about astrology will find it easy to get to know me. My sun sign is that of Gemini, the sign that I was born under. To describe a Gemini would be to say they are passionate and extremely high strung and like the energizer bunny.

There is a story that goes with the sign of Gemini. The sign of the twins is Caspor and Pollux.


One of my most favorite quotes is done by Scott Cunningham.....

"Don't shut out the physical world in favor of the spiritual or magical realms, for only through nature can we experience these realities. We are here on the Earth for a reason. Do, however, use ritual to expand your awareness so that you are truly at one with all creation. The way is open. The ancient Goddess and God await within and around you."

May they Bless you with wisdom and power.


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